This Blog may not be intended for you, and yet,
thousands found in it what they were seeking.
Have you ever been haunted by problems so stressful that your heart cries and your eyes stop beating?
- Do you have precarious heart-wrenching problems that keep you up at nights?
- Do you wish you were someone else, so you are no longer the person having the problems that you have right now?
- Do you pray for a miracle so you can magically wash all your problems away?
As you sit there and read the beginning of this page you start to feel relax, enlightened and peaceful. Why?
We Solve the Problem for You So You Can Have Health, Wealth, and Happiness
We’re all about Solving Problems, including throw away cases (the seemingly unsolvable problems).
[Note: this isn’t for everyone and will not work for everyone; sadly some people prefer keeping their problems.
This is only for people who are ready to let go of their troublesome baggage]
We believe that there are solutions to any problem. Have you been looking around finding ways to solve your most difficult problems? Had any luck? Luck has nothing to do with it. It’s a matter if your WHY is big enough. Check out the real life story below.
Do you have problems so bad that you worry about it 24/7? Concerns so troubling that it has cost you sleepless night and lost some of your youth?
You are NOT alone and have faith, hope and love because this blog is all about solving the problem. Here’s a sample case of a miracle based on a documented true story:
The Problem Case of a Miracle Child Who Can Now Walk and Run
It was the afternoon; the day after baby Jericho was born at one of Western Sydney’s Hospitals. The resident paediatrician was doing his rounds and I happened to be there when he announced one of the biggest worries of my life. It was bigger than the first worry, during the pregnancy itself.
The pregnancy was 6th of December 2010 and my wife had her third ultrasound. We were told that we’re expecting a boy, with a slight hesitation in the radiologist’s voice. A couple of days later at the Birthing Centre, we were informed by a midwife and a specialist doctor that our unborn son had a two vessel cord shown in the ultrasound. For a normal, healthy birth, there should be three vessels. While this was alarming because there’s a slight increase in risk of growth problems and a minimal increase in risk of stillbirth; we were told not to worry
My wife and I visualised having an adorable, healthy baby boy.
Jericho was born literally about 5 minutes after my wife checked herself in at the Maternity Ward, while I was still walking from the carpark carrying my 3yr old daughter. As soon as we were in the ward, the nurse asked for my name and wheeled our baby to us. I was shockingly surprised at how fast the delivery was when I saw several other mothers who were in labour (some a much as more than 8hours of waiting). It was like experiencing a “McDonald’s” drive-thru, where our baby order was given and served within minutes.
The following day, the resident paediatrician informed us of distressing news. He was worried about our baby’s spine and lower back dimple. Based on what he observed he told us outright that our baby “will never walk“. I don’t know about you and how you might take that news. For me, personally, it was gut wrenching. I felt upset and very angry that someone would just blurt this out, and all so casually too. As if there was no care or love at all towards a newly born child.
I knew better than to accept someone’s opinion, especially an opinion that did not serve my child. So, I whispered to my wife about what we needed to do from that day forward.
The hospital paediatrician ordered a third party check up for baby Jericho, several weeks after bringing him home. Eversince, doing our parental obligation to serve our baby with love and the most important exercise we wanted to do in order for our baby to grow up healthy. The independent paediatrician read the hospital’s notes. He compared baby’s spine to that of the noted dimple. I had a photo of the dimple on my digital camera and showed it to him. To all our amazement – the dimple had vanished. No sign of it. As if, it never existed. While we were happy to notice another miracle, we had to remain planted and not to keep our hopes up.
I disagreed and reminded my wife of the exercise we had to do together.
We had another alarming concern for Jericho’s condition. We again maintained our regime of this special exercise we did together, as responsible parents would do – MUST do. Our baby’s third miracle (in another post)
Ten or so months had past and we took our baby to his first birthday celebration at a local park. This was our third evidence that miracles do happen. Our Baby Boy who was deemed that he “will not walk”, did not listen to the doctors. Instead he listened to us and we listened to our hearts, rather than the problems.
We continued doing our “miracle” exercise which transformed a baby who was doomed, to that of a baby who defied doctors and walked his miracle mile.
The Deeper Conversation
The real life account of the baby who defied the opinions of medical experts is nothing short of a miracle. When push comes to shove then it truly comes down how strong you are with your belief. Are you faithful in your beliefs?
The blog will present some more problem cases that are solved by Shaman8’s special coaching methods as well as his branded inspiring and healing techniques.
The exercise discussed with the writer and his wife mentioned on this page is revealed exclusively to Special Members of Shaman8‘s Special Members are ordinary people who have had their problems solved with the assistance of Shaman8’s special methodology. Such discussions, topics, learnings, are better absorbed at this level because they have experienced the amazement of what it feels like to have disturbing problems solved by inspired action or at times by miracles – and miracles have known to happen.
You can also become a FREE Member of Shaman8‘s by registering yourself on this Blog’s special newsletters and regular teachings and discussion of problem cases. This is FREE to join and you will also gain plenty of value insights into problem-solving in areas of health, wealth, relationships and happiness. By registering you will be listed in the blog’s confidential database and you will receive emails and invitations to special online events.
Wait!!! There’s More!
Join the Special Club – Rants and Raves of the Secret Society
By being a member of Rants and Raves of the Secret Society (again it’s FREE) you will learn to express yourself in a special format. Special Members here will have your back, they will read and be your Peaceful Warrior. They will pray for you. Some will comment on your own post which will guide and help you to solutions and inspire you to heal.
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If You Have More Pressing Problems!!!
If your problem is disconcerting, pressing and stressful. Don’t let it affect your health. Seek help now.
Start the solution and healing process today, contact Shaman8 now!
Peace begins with me!