Why Leave Your Worst Problem for Shaman8?
Are you sick and tired of being tired; too tired from having too many problems?

Problems Cannot Be Solved by Pharmaceuticals
Had enough of taking pills to numb the worries and stress of your problems?
Are you continuing on with life in a downward spiral? One problem leads to another, and another? When do you think it will end?
Are your problems affecting your health, wealth and happiness?
Not making friends? Losing relationships you wish you could keep?

Problems Cause Tension and Unnecessary Roughness
Are you always getting too anxious and depressed? Doesn’t feel good, does it?
You can STOP all of that right now. Stop all the worries, the issues, the hurt, the migraine, the anxiety, the depression, the useless medicines, ALL of it. Stop!!!
By the time you finish reading this post you will feel relieved, renewed, empowerment, energised and inspired to turn your life around – for the better!
There’s a BETTER way… a NEW WAY for Problem Solving!!!
What you’re going through right now is only temporary.
Here’s a few things you can do right now to make you feel better right now, while you continue to read this post and get a lot closer to your permanent solution.
- You are NOT your thoughts. You have thoughts. There’s a big difference there, isn’t it? For now, when the thoughts of the problem rise up or stick in your mind, simply acknowledge the thought. It is entertaining the thought that is giving you grief and a whole world of hurt. Next time the thought comes up in your mind, simply say thank you for it.
- When the thought comes up, rather than giving that thought more energy by agreeing with or telling yourself you are to blame or you hate someone you are blaming – turn the thought around by giving energy to your intention. This could be the exact opposite of the problematic thought. Instead of the thought that “Oh cr@p! how will I pay the credit card off this month?”, you could give an intention like “I intend to attract unexpected money to pay this bill and all other bills”. That sound better, doesn’ it?
- Hey! You’re not alone. Many others before you have played the “Blame Game”. You are either blaming yourself for causing the problem or you’re blaming someone else. The best, and probably the only way to get out of problems and into solution, is to take responsibility. We know!!! It’s easier to blame, isn’t it? Who wants to take responsibility when someone else caused the cr@p, right? Stick around because knowing this, is where your start changing the outcome of the ‘game’.
Latest Advanced System for Solving Problems
The above pointers are good for starting to become aware of what’s truly going on in your life.
What you want is a permanent solution that is so powerful that the problem in your life is solved. What you want is the latest system for problem-solving that is efficient, effective and permanent. A system that gives you the edge, the power to give yourself a new life, a new purpose through inspired action.
Note: we are not saying that problems will go away, never to bother you again. What we are saying is that the old problem will be solved. New problems will arise. Everyone must accept that. Problems will come in waves just like the ocean waves meet the shore. What you want is to become somewhat “bullet-proof” to problems. You know instantly how to solve it.
Now, is that useful, or is that useful?
Trusting in Yourself and Take Inspired Action Now!
The Problem Solving System involves taking 100% responsibility. This is a leaps and bounds concept not for those who wants to relish in their “old baggage” (if you know what I mean – problems that have travelled with you since it began).
As your trusted advisor, coach or mentor – problem solver, we are taking 100% responsibility for your problem. No other therapist is going to take 100% responsibility for his patient because they can only assist the patient to solve their own problem. This is why we’re not a therapist. We are problem solvers who care and loves our clients. We take 100% for solving the problem because we know we are also 100% responsible for having caused the problem in the first place. See if you can find a therapist who is willing to say that, we dare you!
In simple terms, your problem is our problem. You are NOT at fault. We know that you are perfect. You are a perfect being who happens to have caught a problem. Just like we catch a cold or the flu – not out fault right?
Allow us to remove the problem for you. We know why this is important and more importantly, we know how to open the floodgates for love to flow into you and me and work its healing miracles.
It is this awareness that we bring you solutions that will remove the cause of your problem, so that nasty feeling that blocks you from truly living will go away by itself. Leaving you home free.
Notice, we said ‘the problem’, not “your problem”.
The process is simple.
- You contact Shaman8, choosing the topic (from the drop down menu) “Solve The Problem ASAP”.
- Give a brief summary of the problem you want to be solved.
- We will send you a special confidential form via reply email for you to complete. This form will give us a picture of what is happening in the problem and what is causing it.
- Payment is required via PayPal which means your funds are secured and recorded.
- There is a 55-Day Conditional Money Back Guarantee on your investment. We take the risk out for you and all you need to do is relax and trust in the process. Look forward to a better life with fewer problems.
- Once we receive your special confidential form, we will do the mental mind map and formulate the solution accordingly and advise you in return.
- Your life will experience transmutation. That means, your problems will dissolve or solutions will take place in a form of a nudge or a sign to take inspired action. You must act on those nudges and take inspired action.
Problem Solving and Healing Process is Simple
What you need to do:
- You must have a problematic problem. Be able to define the problem and how you feel about it.
- Be willing to take inspired action in the process of the problem solution and your healing process.
- The above steps are very, very simple. An eight-year-old child can do it.
- Exchange energy with Shaman8. Willing to invest in your solution and healing by investing in the process.
- Willingness to accept miracles in your life, no matter how small.
- Keep the solution or healing miracle to yourself and not tell anybody about it.
- Refer Shaman8 to other people who we view as perfect and they just have a problem that needs solving.
As you invest in yourself, you automatically become a special member of vitalspark.xyz to discover the magic behind the miracle.
Don’t waste any more time…
What’s In It For You?
Good question; here’s the benefits of what you get:
You will come out of Victimhood. You will no longer be a victim to the old ways, the old hurts and pains, experiencing the same problem over and over again (like “Groundhog Day” movie). You’ll head towards being a Victor!
You will gain awareness and a higher level of consciousness. This is a given when you go through the healing journey and important part of personal growth and development.

Happiness is Freedom
You will form new connections and contribute more. You may gain access to other sources, now that your problem is gone. You can access health, wealth and happiness as a result of being free from your problem.
When you master your new ways, you can attract people, place or things in your life as if by sheer will. This will, of course, require discipline, commitment for self-improvement and taking 100% responsibility for you and your world.
Here are the features of your healing journey
- 1 x 30 minute private and confidential Skype coaching phone call to discuss your problems in more details than the confidential form you filled in. This is so we can get to the crust of the issue or challenges you’re facing.
- An instructional informative email regarding your strategies to remove the problems in your life. You must follow the instruction to gain the optimal results for you.
- Emails access for up to 6 months with Shaman8 to pose any questions you may have and to provide us with your feedback. Starting from the day of your first email.
- Lifetime access to Members Only blog posts and complimentary webinars.
- Another 1 x 30 minute private and confidential Skype phone call, 3 months after your instructional informative email. This is optional if you need to have a chat and let us know how you’re doing or you can use this session as a coaching session to move on to other things.
The packaged feature as stated above has a total value of $880.
1st Skype coaching session value of $150
Strategy email value of $250
Email access for 6 months x $30 per month, value of $180
Members-only blog access, value of $150 per year, you will have lifetime access
Follow up Skype coaching session value of $150
If you go to a counsellor, it could take you a dozen session to solve your simple complex problem, say… at $90 per session. That’s still $1,080 or possibly more, with NO guarantee of success. What if there was another way? A better way?
Guess what?
We are taking responsibility to heal people with their worst problems. We want a better world to live in, for you, for us and our children. Do you?
This is our special for you being one of the first to visit our website. Remove your worst problems and start living your life anew for only $144.00USD.
Remember, we remove the risk for you because if you’re not happy with your result and you do want to keep your problem for longer then you can avail yourself with our 55-Day Conditional Money Back Guarantee
It’s really simple and safe for you.
Invest in yourself for only $144.00usd with a RISK-FREE 55-Day Conditional Money Back Guarantee, and you will remove the problems out of your life.